Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends
“Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is a soul-nourishing podcast that takes you on a journey of spirituality, self-discovery, and healing to help you embrace your purpose, trust your intuition, and ignite your inner light.
We explore many facets of spirituality to uncover the wisdom within us all. This is a gathering place... a social space for your soul. We offer insights, practices, and stories to inspire you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and self-acceptance, or to possibly just confirm what you know, that you know!
#SolSocial #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #Spirituality #Healing #InnerLight #TrustYourIntuition #NourishYourSoul #PodcastCommunity #JourneyWithin #drmakeba4love #podcast #positivevibes #spirituality #spiritualpodcast
"Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is brought to you by The Most High!
Intro and Music: @unasolavidaphotography & @checkarelli
IG: @socialsocialpodcast
Be our guest. Email your name, topic, and best contact info to: Drmakebanfriendspodcast@gmail.com
Love and light, y'all!
Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends
In this episode, Dr. Makeba is joined by her friends LaSheta Reynolds, Ashe White, Keisha Clay, and Edward Checkarelli, who all possess unique backgrounds, spiritual journeys, and contributions to the world. Together, they gather to discuss insights from Dolores Cannon's book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth," which offers an interesting perspective on our purpose here on Earth.
The conversation covered:
- The significance of Dolores Cannon's book: The group discussed the importance of reading "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" and its potential to jog repressed memories and offer insights into our purpose on Earth.
- Challenges faced by new souls: They explore the experiences of "first timers" or souls who have not previously walked on Earth. The difficulties faced by these souls in adjusting to the world are discussed, particularly in relation to their frequency and energy they bring.
- Personal experiences and connections: Keisha and Checkarelli share personal stories about their own children and how the book resonated (or not) with their experiences. They discuss the challenges and unique qualities of these young people and the need for a different parenting approach.
- Unveiling the truth: The group emphasizes the importance of understanding the book's concepts, including the existence of beings from other realms and dimensions, as well as the connection between science and spirituality. They encourage listeners to keep an open mind and explore the book's revelations.
While listening to this episode, you are encouraged to:
- Reflect on your own experiences and connections to the concepts discussed.
- Consider how the book's ideas align with your own beliefs and experiences.
- Be open-minded and explore the possibility of alternative perspectives.
- Take action by reading "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" to gain a deeper understanding of your own purpose and connection to the divine.
When you get a minute, grab a copy of Dolores Cannon's book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth," and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Join the conversation by sharing your thoughts and experiences with Dr. Makeba and her friends on the Sol Social podcast.
About this episode’s guests:
LaSheta is an elementary school teacher, spiritual consultant, and a natural born caregiver who leads with love. Ashe is a spiritual being experiencing life in human form. She brings her warrior spirit and insights on navigating, shifting energies to the conversation. Keisha is a veteran hairstylist with divine gifts to share. Keisha believes that rediscovering our connection
“Sol Social w/Dr Makeba & Friends” is a soul-nourishing podcast that explores spirituality, self-discovery, and various healing modalities. Dr. Makeba, a certified Reiki master and spiritual healer based in Atlanta GA is your guide through the world of self-care and spiritual evolution. Here at “Sol Social w/Dr Makeba & Friends” we invite you to embrace your purpose, trust your intuition, and ignite your inner light.
"Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is brought to you by The Most High!
Intro & Music: @unasolavidaphotography & @checkarelli
Host: @DrMakeba4Love222 or @DrMakeba4Love
Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/SolSocialVIPGroup
IG: @drmakebanfriendspodcast
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3. Be our guest: Email your name, topic, and best contact info to: Drmakebanfriendspodcast@gmail.com
Love and light, y'all
Bridge to Nairobi. Bridge to Nairobi. Jah, Show us the light This movement phonetic the chi is kinetic You know what's up We just leveling up eternal life Children of light blessings upon you the truth and the pride Women heal Earth Cherish your worth Get us back on track like rebirth.
Dr. Makeba:Welcome to Sol Social with Dr. Makeba and Friends, the soul nourishing podcast that takes you on a journey of spirituality self-discovery and healing. I'm Dr. Makeba, and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this metamorphic path toward embracing your purpose, trusting your intuition and igniting your inner light. In this episode, I'm joined by my amazing friends. LaSheta Reynolds, Ashe White, Keisha Clay, and Edward Checkarelli. LaSheta is an elementary school teacher, spiritual consultant, and a natural born caregiver who leads with love. Ashe is a spiritual being experiencing life in human form. She brings her warrior spirit and insights on navigating, shifting energies to the conversation. Keisha is a veteran hairstylist with divine gifts to share. Keisha believes that rediscovering our connection to divine intuition is synonymous with rediscovering ourselves. And last but not least Checkarelli is a high school teacher in MC. He describes himself as a spiritual light worker who battles to align souls with the divine presence of the most high. He's actually the brilliant artist behind the intro music for this podcast. Join us as we explore insights from Dolores Cannon's book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, which offers a unique perspective on our purpose here on earth. If you haven't read this book you may want to grab a copy after listening to this. I can't wait to hear what you think. Hello, hello, hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining me today. Before we dive into the book talk, I want to have everyone just kind of give a brief intro, just your name and something quick that you wanna share with us and I'm gonna start. I am Dr. Makeba and the thing that I wanna share is that today I am on fire. I am literally feeling like the Energizer bunny and I'm super excited to be here today. So let's start with Ashe.
Ashe:I'm Ashe. Today I am feeling a little out of sorts I find myself just staring out into the abyss for long periods of time, but I know it's purposeful.
Dr. Makeba:I'm gonna add a little bit to your introduction. You are a warrior and you're feeling a lot of the energy shifting, and that's what's got you in a little bit of a daze because that warrior is waiting to pop out and it's gonna happen any day now. All right. Who's next?
Keisha:Hi everyone. I'm Keisha and I am newly ignited. So I was a little lukewarm until probably yesterday and now I'm super hype and I wanna say it's a lot to be thankful for and it's really because of this book too. So, I mean, there are other things. Yeah. But this the cherry on top. And I'm now I'm super geek. Very happy to have this discussion be around like minds, like energy light to the world.
Dr. Makeba:That's right. Bring your light girl. Bring your light. And I'm, I'm gonna add to yours that you did just say that you are feeling a little bit more geeked and alot lot of it has to do, because you started reading that book yesterday. So that's why we're having this conversation today, because there are little tidbits in that book that are in there to jog our memories about what it is we're supposed to do here on this earth. Why we are here. It's really exciting. And who knew? Okay. Some people knew we were late. I think we were a little late, but that was totally on purpose. All right. LaSheta please introduce yourself, darling.
LaSheta:Hello everybody. My name is LaSheta. I am many things. Most of all I am a service worker. I'm a teacher by day and I like to call myself a spiritual consultant by night. I don't know who just sent energy, but my hands are extremely warm now. So whoever sent that, thank you. I'm an ancestor venerator and I work with children. I do a lot of things and I just really try to give more love than there is in the world. So I am a natural born caregiver and I'm a cancer.
Dr. Makeba:That's right. Cancer's in the house. Woo woo. I'm a cancer also, and I'm going to add that LaSheta, this beautiful soul is a new spirit and we're gonna learn a little bit more about that today all right, Checka, Checka your turn, sir.
Checkarelli:Blessed love everybody. I just wanna say LaSheta. As soon as you said that, I felt a wave of energy over me, so thank you for that. And I'm a cancer too, so my name is Checkarelli. I'm a high school teacher and I'm an mc and I'm here to bring alignment with the Most High to, to my work, to my ministry. I feel blessed to be here.
Dr. Makeba:Absolutely. You are a blessing to this earth. The thing I wanted to add about you is that you literally have a number seven in the palm of your hand. And I'm like, okay, God, I see you. I see you. And I'm so happy to have you on this show. I thank the most high for bringing us together. Because it is most definitely by God that we are here today to have this conversation about why we are here on this earth and why it's important that we know that now. I think that everybody in this world needs to read at least chapter one of this book because if you read chapter one, you might have an aha moment. There are a lot of you out there that have been waiting for this inkling, this reminder to jog your repressed memories about the time before you were here on this earth. it might seem a little freaky, it might sound a little sci-fi, but the thing is, it's not science fiction, it's science truth. And, you know, we talk a lot about science versus religion, science versus God. what we're talking about is God, period. He created all of that, including the science including the knowledge, all of the information he provided that for us. So I wanna talk about these volunteers and what they're supposed to be doing and who they are and why it's been such a challenge for some of our new children, our souls, our little babies, why it's been so challenging for them in particular to adjust to this wild earth that we're living in.
Keisha:I'm gonna head up and just say that I think I received this book just yesterday morning, read the first three chapters and had to stop. I didn't even wanna stop, but I was nodding off and receiving rapid downloads. And at first I was like, whew, am I getting drowsy? No, I'm processing. And the first couple things that really shook me was I could see my children in this. Yeah. And. I think it was chapter one when we talked about the discovery of the three ways, but it was chapter two, where we talked about the first timers, and I was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I have a first timer in my house, and as I was reading, The recollections of the first timers that that Ms. Dolores was working with, it made me think about my nine year old and her experience that she's been having. And how, since she, since birth, everything was like, what is this? Oh my God. And how she's appalled. Appalled at her human experience. And as I was reading, I just kept thinking about how kids be like, yo, that's savage. That's savage. Mm-hmm. And you like, what do you mean? Right. And they're literally saying like, the world is savage. And we talk about this new wave of parenting, about gentle parenting. And it's not because the parents are soft, it's because we have to deal with these children differently. Yeah. Because they are differently, their frequency is different. The way they processes different, their experience and how they process information and how they're relating to other people, but just relating to us, yes. Is mind blowing. And as if I needed confirmation. Yesterday we had a beautiful day. She ran the streets. There was like a little gang of children running amok and at the end of the night she lost her stuff. I mean, lost her stuff. She completely, and if anyone's ever met my nine year old, she's a very gentle soul. She's sweet as pie. She's very vocal. When I tell you she turned into Tasmanian Devil. It was like the gremlin movie. What happened? She said she was upset that she didn't have a normal night and chance to spend time with the family. Oh, I saying, you came in out dark and then you took your bath and now it's eight 30. Baby you gotta go to bed. Said she's frustrated with human time. Hmm. She's frustrated at not being able to multitask and be in this one particular place, in this one particular human form at this particular time. And I immediately got a flashback of her as a toddler where she was, I mean, I stopped going places because she would tear it up. She would tear up the world. Mm. I was like, she needs to be confined. We can't be among civilized people. And she was so aggravated and she was so upset, and she just, oh, she screamed and she hollered and she flipped on the floor. And we just listened to some frequencies. And I worked on her crown chakra and I had her sister work work, her root chakra, and we talked about it. And when she finished, she said, I feel so much better. I said, really? She says, I feel like that all the time. I said, do you? She said, yes. It's not enough time in the day. Time doesn't move. As if I needed confirmation.
Dr. Makeba:So to not give too many spoilers, cuz we do want people to go out and read this book. A first timer I'm gonna tell'em is mm-hmm. A soul, a human that has not walked this earth before. It might be an adjustment for some of y'all to believe in reincarnation, but it is a thing, it's real. Okay? And most of us, many of us on this earth have been here multiple times, but there are some who haven't. And one of those is my darling, LaSheta. She's also a fixer and not a volunteer. I mean, you guys need to read this book because you're gonna wanna know what these things mean. LaSheta, can you talk a little bit to us about your experience at walking on this crazy Earth and how you felt reading through some of that book?
LaSheta:I've been going through this period of transformation because of where Pluto is in my natal chart. I'll always be going through a transformation. So nothing's ever the same to me. In the last four years I got about, I wanna say five more years left. So I have a nine year cycle that I'm going through and I've been a natural born leader, very introverted, didn't really need a lot of assistance from people even when I was a child. I went to school, I most of the time slept in school because I learned this stuff and it was just boring at some point. I wasn't a behavior problem, but it was just, I already knew it.
Dr. Makeba:So, and let me just chime in. That's an issue with a lot of first timers. They get bored easily, and that's why so many kids have been misdiagnosed with adhd. My child is one of'em. So just think about that, that they're not conforming because this stuff here on earth is archaic compared to where they're coming from.
LaSheta:So I, in the process of me losing my mother, not really losing my mom passed, a lot of things were revealed to me by spirit. You know, God sent a lot of things to me very quickly. He sent astrology, he sent psycho pump work. He sent a lot of things to me, and I had to take a step back and just breathe and see what it is I was supposed to actually do, which is ever changing. So, being a quote unquote new soul I've had several people tell me that I didn't come into this lifetime with karma. I came into this lifetime to be of service to others and just bring love back into the, into the earth. So I've had people tell me I've Paladian ancestry, Did I say that right?
Dr. Makeba:Palladian, I think.
LaSheta:Yep. I've had that ancestry. I've actually had blue beings come to me in my dreams. A lot of beings come to me while I'm asleep. That's when I do a lot of my work.
Dr. Makeba:When you say the word beings mm-hmm. We need to, to let that marinate a little bit because in the book it talks a lot about what the different beings are and it's like, well wait, I thought that human beings were the beings and that the spirits that are out there are spirits of humans or maybe angels or whatever, but there are beings from other planets, other realms, other dimensions out there. And there are a lot of people, lots of human beings. That have had experiences with those beings in a sleep state, some in a wake state. And when they talk about it, i t is looked down upon like what you talking about. And so a lot of those people have kept that information to themselves and kind of wondered, is this real? Am I crazy? You know, what's going on?
LaSheta:So in, in the process of me seeing these beings, I've seen angels, I've seen a lot of, a lot of beings in my sleep. So when Dr. Makeba said you're a new soul, I was like, huh, that kind of makes sense. At first I thought I was a second wave volunteer cuz sometimes I don't like people. And I just don't like how they treat each other. It's archaic and barbaric to me. Just today, I was crying a lot today because I was emotionally processed. I've been talking about death a lot this last week, and I just had a cousin die yesterday. A lot of death is around me but I'm not attached to a lot of things. So when I say beings and a, a, a new soul, I went through a transformation when my mother died. The old me does not exist anymore. The new me is this person who was sent here to help others, like a big sister. This new me has a lot of gifts that I can give to people. I felt, I don't wanna give it away, but there is, what chapter is Jane in? I think Jane is in chapter 28 or 23, but Jane is one of those people who has all the knowledge. I came into this world with a lot of knowledge. I don't know a lot, but I know a lot.
Dr. Makeba:Yes. Cause you're claircognizant. We're gonna use the terminology so people know and they can tap into it. If you are a person who tends to know things, you don't know why, you know them all the time. Sometimes people think that you're being arrogant or whatever. So these people who are claircognizant are truth tellers. We are truth tellers and we get direct information from the source so that we can share it with you. There's a lot of stuff in books that is just false. We have the gift of discernment to read through. I read several chapters of this book and by the time I got to the end I was like, Uhuh, this is not right. And because I have an ability to channel spirits and speak to beings from wherever, I was able to ask questions of the beings that were being interviewed, that were talking to her in the book. And they were like, Ugh. Well, we had to tell her that because we needed her to write these books and we needed people to buy these books. And they also reminded me that God doesn't really want us to know exactly the future because we have the power to create, create a future that's beautiful and bright. So we as humans, were given free will. So that was something they talked about in the book, right? We are of the beings in the galaxy. We are the only ones really that were given free will as an experiment. And you see where that's gotten us. We've had the ability to make choices. And it's led us to this place that needs this fixing this return to love. So that's what we're working on.
LaSheta:There was also another chapter where it talked about this. It was a guy, I think his name was Robert. And Robert was in school. And in the school there were all boys in the school. These men were sent out and before they were sent out, the third eye was activated. So they can see things that people don't see. So when I tell people my third eye is activated, they automatically assume that I can see things. No. My third eye is my God eye. So God opened my eyes to see things through his vision. And so Dr. Makeba and I were talking, and she hands me this seal of Gabriel. So before she handed it to me, I already knew that I was a messenger of God. Right. And he revealed that to me in the dream. So, my job here is to spread love and spread the goodness of God. And people think God is this man, woman. No, God is just light. And it's just the energy that you give to people? God is in you, and God is, God is you. So you know, a lot of people think that God is separate from them. No. If you were made in the image of God, that means God looks just like you. We, we all came from the, all the creator, whatever, you know, whatever that is. So I got to the part what they were talking about crystals. And so I'm not a crystal enthusiast but I understand the energy that crystals give. And so I've been told to wear certain crystals because of the work that I have to do. I'm gonna go back and read the other chapters. But the book is very good. And side note, when you said don't believe everything in the book. Don't believe everything in the Bible either. Cause that's half truth.
Dr. Makeba:Amen. The book of Revelation is a future forward book. And it's a dream and it was put in there to kind of throw us off. Stuff is gonna go down, it's gonna happen, but God does not want us to know the end game. He just really wants us to be good humans, to love each other and stop messing around that's not what we are here for. Ashe, I want you to talk about Uriel and your relationship with this angel and your thoughts about it since it was introduced to you that that was your guy.
Ashe:So, it's a lot. I've been getting a lot of downloads. Let me just say that. I'm a little bit distorted so to speak. My vision is a little bit distorted right now, and my emotions are everywhere. But Uriel actually operates in two chakras, the root chakra and the solar plexus but more so the solar plexus. So the root chakra does, does stay grounded. And the solar plexus is more for strength, power, and knowledge. I've always been told that the seat of your knowledge, your body, everything starts in your stomach. That's your wherewithal. When you feel scared or something's going on, usually your stomach starts to growl or you feel a little sick or it starts in the seat of your stomach. So I just looked up some stuff. I couldn't find anything really on Uriel. And I bought the book The Apocrypha, which is the missing books of the Bible. The apocrypha is where they go into detail and explain the Arc Angels and how they came up, how they helped mankind and their tasks and things like that. Uriel is considered the fire of God, the God's light. He resonates with the sun. He's a protector of the southern region. He's the guardian. He is the angel of wisdom and the philosophical illumination. He operates through fire.
Dr. Makeba:You said when you read the book that, that he was communicating with you, so that angel has been communicating with you since you were introduced?
Ashe:Yes. Yes, in a very big way. I actually, I met him last night. He had always been around. Ever since I've come in contact with Uriel, my throat chakra in my stomach has really been uneasy. And the message I got last night was that he is, he is still to come back because there's a lot of things spiritually in my stomach that has to be removed. And there's a blockage right now, and I asked, is it because of the food I'm eating or, you know, and I'm drinking mass amounts of water. So I've changed my diet, my pallet has changed. Everything's changed. It has nothing to do with what you're ingesting. It's everything to do what's already in there that we have to take out. So I had a lot of anxiety. I am an empath. I have not really acclimated myself to people and their energies. So I take on a lot of energies and I have to basically keep a shield up over myself. But even with that, I feel people's energy through the phone, through text messages everywhere. I pretty much know when people are down.
Dr. Makeba:You're one of the most energetically sensitive people that I know. And even when we did our reiki session together, like you felt everything on the table. You felt everything. It was like having a reiki surgery when I got Yeah. That's what it felt like. That's what it felt like. That was some pain. I didn't. And I think it aligns a lot with why you are here on this earth. Like the, the things that have happened here on earth are sickening.
Ashe:Yeah. I feel sick right now. I feel like I have to throw up the whole day. Yeah. Makeba. And I know there's nothing I can, I've tried everything walking, going outside, grounding. Saying the Lord's Prayer. Yes. You know, saying the prayer you gave me, nothing is lifting. I know you can hear my voice shaking. Nothing is really lifting it.
Dr. Makeba:You are feeling the pain of the world. You're feeling the pain of the earth. We'll work on that some more for sure so you can get through it, but keep doing your reiki self care. And that is one of the takeaways of the book too, that we are all energetic beings. I encourage people to learn how to do reiki, not so that they can practice it on other people, but so they can make sure that their own energy is aligned properly. When our energy is aligned, that's when our light can shine it's brightest. In the book, chapter 23 talks about the truth and the truth is what'll set us free I keep saying that we are the truth tellers and the truth is gonna set us free. Checka I want you to talk about the truths that you know and how you've been inspired to write such beautiful music. I know that you have not read the whole book, but a big chunk of the book is about the new earth and what's to come and a lot of your music predicts and talks about how we're gonna break down the constructions that man has created to divide and separate especially dividing and marginalizing people of color. I'd love for you to talk a little bit about that.
Checkarelli:I'm just honored to be able to speak in this group. Just to start with my experience with the book, I definitely resonate with the idea that we are light beings. I believe that we've been sent, I don't, I don't know how deeply I resonate with the waves of volunteers, the 1, 2, 3 waves. As I'm hearing everyone speak, I'm thinking about my son who's turning seven next month, and I don't feel like he's a new soul. I feel he and myself have been here before. I feel that we've been tasked by the Most High with a very important mission as lyricists, as musicians, as artists. He is now following in my footsteps as an mc. We've been writing raps and playing the, the, the, the rhyming game as we call it and the other day he broke a lamp, which maybe is symbolic of light. Whenever something happens, I have a discussion with him, and then I ask him, what did you learn from this experience? And, he'll explain to me what lessons he learned about how he would do things differently. And then I was like, all right, now I want you to go write a rap about it. And he's never to this point done a written, a rap by himself without support. And he literally went and he wrote a rap by himself. I mean, he's six years old and he just, was writing rhymes. So, he came to me with this rap and I was so impressed and inspired that he has been able to take on this skill. He's a natural. There was times when he was a baby and, there was one particular time that stands out in my mind two particular times. One time we were at his dedication at the church. While the service was going on, there was a light that was coming through this window in the church. And it was like the rays of heaven coming through. And he almost assumed this, like he was in a ceremony, like an indigenous type of ceremony, and he was moving around in this very unusual way. Unlike any other child. And he was dancing and paying respect to the light beams that were coming through this window and shining down right where he was sitting and he was just entranced by this light and moving around in this way that he's never done. Well, he's only done one time other. And I took a lot of notice of that. There was one other time where I have this big, huge Tibetan singing bowl, and, if anybody's familiar with Tibetan singing bowls, they're sound healing. And I took that out one day and he did the same thing that I was just describing in the church where he just, he just entered almost like a trance-like state where he was in a ceremonial dance and looking up to the heavens and, you know, like this, this awareness, this knowledge that he's not a regular person, you know what I mean?
Dr. Makeba:I'm gonna have to interrupt and I'm interrupting because Dolores wants to speak. This happens on this show cuz it's the living friends and the spirit friends. You never know who's gonna show up, but Dolores has a message for you, Cheka. She wants you to read the book and she believes that it will jog your memory if you get a little bit deeper in the book. And if you look at yourself as less of a volunteer, but more of an observer because you are a knower, you've seen so much and you've been on different planets and things. You have been on Earth before, but a lot of the things that you've done in the existence of your spirit has been traveling and being a part of the culture and absorbing it, learning it, spreading love, spreading light. And so you should read it, you should challenge the things that you read. But Canaan, I believe is the name of the character in the book, one of the beings. Have a little conversation with Canaan because you might see yourself there. The other thing she wants to share is that and this is a funny thing, not funny, but you told me this, that you don't identify as a white man, which is great because we're all human beings and man created these categories of color. So that is one of the things that your higher knowledge and that connection to where you came from just would not allow you to do because you're like, this is ridiculous. You humans are stupid. And I am not falling in that category, especially if it's a category of humans that have tortured and mistreated people and who have taken history and contorted it for their own benefit. You just can't even tolerate that. So you're like, I'm not one of y'all, and it's because you're not. Simply put, you are not. You are so special. And that's why when I met you in person, I felt like I knew you my whole life. And it's because you were put on this earth as a gift. So let's talk about this song a little bit because I definitely want people to support this song because it's so spot on. If you had to share in just a couple of sentences, what is it that people need to know about. The song, it's called The Exorcism, correct?
Checkarelli:Yes, there's, there's a few things, on what you just said, but I will revisit that at another time. As, as far as the song, the Exorcism, as an artist, I've been, I'm 40 years old. I'm an mc since I was 12. I wrote my first song after hearing Tupac's Dear Mama. That's what inspired me to become an artist, and I've never stopped. I'm a high school teacher in the South Bronx, and in 2011 I formed a student based hiphop collective called OneBlood Universal. And we put out a mix tape in 2012. I strategically released my first mixtape called the Final Renaissance on December 21st, 2012. Because everybody was talking about that being the end of the world and what the creator has shown me is that that was the beginning. That was the beginning of what I call the final Renaissance. so I released it on December 21st, 2012. The second mixtape, which was called the Spiritual Renewal, was released in 2014 on Easter. And my debut album came out December 21st on the 10 year anniversary of the final Renaissances release. It's called Eternal Life. If I could give the message of the album in one line, they always say that nothing is promised, but death. I say, no, no more than death was promised. Eternal life was promised to us. Not just by Yeshua, the Christ, but in Kemetic, ancient African, Egyptian spiritual beliefs. Eternal life. so the song, the Exorcism is the debut single. We have devils and demons in our homes and our relationships, in our communities, in our political institutions and, in ourselves. Mahama Gandhi said, the only devils and demons are the ones running around in our hearts. And that's where all the battles need to be fought. And so this is the exorcism, this is the spiritual renewal. This is the final renaissance in the awakening and the love and the light is shining. And like you said, we are the truth tellers. We are the light bearers and The Most High is guiding us to be here right now. To do this and that's what the exorcism is about. So I'm inviting everyone to get in this work, start exercising.
Dr. Makeba:Oh my gosh. I love talking to my friends because they are awesome. We can go on and on and on about this book, about our gifts, about what's coming and all of that. But I think we're gonna have to save some of it for another episode I wanna remind people that the topic was the Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon. There is some information in that book that is really fascinating, whether you buy into it or not, it's worth a read because it might trigger something in you that'll bring you back to before your time here on Earth. And if you get there, I'm not sure how you're gonna feel. If you let the Spirit lead you, you'll get out of it what you need to. So go ahead and give it a read. Knowledge is the gift. I need people to understand why they're here. And I think that you will, if you give this book a read and we can talk about it some more another time. All right y'all. I'll see you next time. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Stay tuned for episode four, where I talk with a few of my friends about trust and the importance of trusting our gut.