Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends
“Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is a soul-nourishing podcast that takes you on a journey of spirituality, self-discovery, and healing to help you embrace your purpose, trust your intuition, and ignite your inner light.
We explore many facets of spirituality to uncover the wisdom within us all. This is a gathering place... a social space for your soul. We offer insights, practices, and stories to inspire you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and self-acceptance, or to possibly just confirm what you know, that you know!
#SolSocial #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #Spirituality #Healing #InnerLight #TrustYourIntuition #NourishYourSoul #PodcastCommunity #JourneyWithin #drmakeba4love #podcast #positivevibes #spirituality #spiritualpodcast
"Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is brought to you by The Most High!
Intro and Music: @unasolavidaphotography & @checkarelli
IG: @socialsocialpodcast
Be our guest. Email your name, topic, and best contact info to: Drmakebanfriendspodcast@gmail.com
Love and light, y'all!
Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends
In this episode, Dr. Makeba is joined by her friends Kadijah Kemp, Tiffany Grant, Camron Shelton, and Tommy Fur’qan Washington, as they explore the topic of trusting your intuition, specifically the inner voice or gut feeling.
The group discusses the importance of listening to your inner voice and the challenge of distinguishing between the voice of intuition and other influences, such as fear or doubt. Each guest shares a moment when they ignored their gut feeling and the consequences that followed. They reflect on the lessons learned from these experiences.
While listening to this episode, you are encouraged to:
· Reflect on your own experiences of ignoring or trusting your intuition.
· Consider the impact of cultural and personal traumas on your ability to trust your gut feelings.
You are being called to embrace the power of your intuition and actively listen to your inner voice. Take time to reflect on past experiences and learn from moments when you ignored your gut feeling. Practice trusting your intuition in everyday life to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and alignment with your true path.
About this episode’s guests:
Kadijah is an educator, professional counselor, and healer who strives to be a beacon of light to advocate against gun violence as well as educate, uplift, and heal traumas. Tiffany is a professional counselor and reiki practitioner who uses energy work to help individuals develop better cognitive and emotional skills to be their best and connect with their highest selves. Camron is an artist, entrepreneur, and wellness coach who is on an accelerated path of ascension. And, Tommy Fu’rqan is an emerging energy and artist who serves as a case worker, care manager, and “unlicensed nurse”. Together, they form a powerful collective ready to share their light and knowledge with the world.
#SolSocial #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #Spirituality #Healing #InnerLight #TrustYourIntuition#NourishYourSoul #PodcastCommunity #JourneyWithin #drmakeba4love #podcast
“Sol Social w/Dr Makeba & Friends” is a soul-nourishing podcast that explores spirituality, self-discovery, and various healing modalities. Dr. Makeba, a certified Reiki master and spiritual healer based in Atlanta GA is your guide through the world of self-care and spiritual evolution. Here at “Sol Social w/Dr Makeba & Friends” we invite you to embrace your purpose, trust your intuition, and ignite your inner light.
"Sol Social w/Dr. Makeba & Friends" is brought to you by The Most High!
Intro & Music: @unasolavidaphotography & @checkarelli
Host: @DrMakeba4Love222 or @DrMakeba4Love
Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/SolSocialVIPGroup
IG: @drmakebanfriendspodcast
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3. Be our guest: Email your name, topic, and best contact info to: Drmakebanfriendspodcast@gmail.com
Love and light, y'all
Bridge to Nairobi. Bridge to Nairobi. Jah, Show us the light. This movement phonetic. The chi is kinetic. You know what's up. We just leveling up. Eternal life. Children of light. Blessings upon you the truth and the pride. Women heal Earth. Cherish your worth. Get us back on track like rebirth.
Dr. Makeba:Welcome to Sol Social with Dr. Makeba and Friends, the soul nourishing podcast that takes you on a journey of spirituality self-discovery and healing. I'm Dr. Makeba, and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this metamorphic path toward embracing your purpose, trusting your intuition and igniting your inner light. In this episode, I'm joined by a couple of old friends and a couple of new friends who each strive to make a positive impact in every life they touch. We have Khadija Kemp an educator, professional counselor and healer who advocates against gun violence and helps to heal traumas. Tiffany Grant, a licensed professional counselor as well, and a Reiki practitioner who helps individuals connect with their highest selves through traditional counseling, coupled with energy work. We have Camron Shelton an artist, entrepreneur, and wellness coach. And last but not least, Tommy Fu'rqan Washington, an emerging energy, artist, and compassionate caregiver. Join us as we aim to shed light on the importance of trusting your inner voice As you listen to this episode, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences of ignoring or trusting your intuition, your gut feeling, that voice in your head. While doing so consider the impact of cultural and personal traumas on your ability to listen to that voice. Alright? Let's talk. Hello, hello, hello. This is Dr. Makeba and I'm super excited about this topic today because we are talking about listening and trusting your gut, your intuition. That voice of God in your head. It's very hard sometimes when you don't have physical proof, physical evidence when you're beating up on yourself to really figure out if this is the devil on your shoulder or the angel on your shoulder. So we are gonna have a chat about that with some of my really, good friends. Everybody on the show today has a story for you about that voice in their head that sometimes they just don't trust. But we know what happens when we don't trust that voice, and we're gonna talk about that. Kadijah, please introduce yourself.
Kadijah:My name's Kadijah Kemp and I am an educator at D.C.P.S. And I go way back with Dr. Makeba all the way back to high school and scooping
Dr. Makeba:ice cream at Baskin-Robbins I was gonna say, and Baskin-Robbins.
Kadijah:She's my manager. So we go way, way back to teen years and I'm happy to be here.
Dr. Makeba:I'm happy to have you. She's just such a beautiful spirit. She's been through a lot and she's come a long way, so I'm really happy to have her with us today. Tiffany, please introduce yourself.
Tiffany:Well, hello, I am Tiffany Grant. I'm a licensed professional counselor. I work at the VA with veterans, and I also work at a private practice, so I do individual couples and group counseling. I'm really enjoying this space. I'm looking forward to this conversation and I'm glad be here.
Dr. Makeba:I'm so glad to have you. This young lady here leads with her heart. She's got the biggest, sweetest heart and I'm so glad to know her. Camron, go ahead and introduce yourself.
Camron:All right. My name is Camron Shelton. I'm 20 years old. I'm an audio engineer, a producer, poet, artist, rapper, singer, everything. I play the keyboard, I play the clarinet, and I'm learning how to play the acoustic guitar. Any genre there is I make music in that. I was in school, but I'm not school anymore. I work at Delta. Me and Ms. Makeba, actually met through Reiki and I learned how to do reiki through her.
Dr. Makeba:That's right. Reiki was my introduction to spirituality because it got me connected to the energy body that's in me. I definitely recommend it to all of y'all out there in the world. Learn it, even if it's just self-care, cuz it really helps to open you up and keep you balanced. I would add just one more thing about Camron. He is so smart that he was like, high school. I'm done. I'm not doing you for too long. He got it done real quick. How quick did you get high school done One year. One year,
Tommy-Furqan:What! You was out and you were like, Nope,
Dr. Makeba:and we've talked about this on our previous shows that Claircognizance is a thing. It's a clear knowing and this young man knows a lot so he's able to get through things, ask good, good questions. I admire him and I'm so happy that he is embracing his spirituality and running with it. He is a superstar.
Camron:To expand on what you said, I'm not trying to brag but when I was in third grade, I was already reading on a eighth grade level and I read the Almanac. I started reading almanacs back then. I read the almanac for 2008 and 2009, which I have right here actually.
Tommy-Furqan:Almanacs are fun to read. I read every almanac back in 1989 and 1990. If you read Almanacs then you're a nerd. That's good with me.
Dr. Makeba:Tommy Fu'rquan Washington, please. Last but not least, please introduce
Tommy-Furqan:yourself Okay. Yo, I am Tommy Fu'rquan Washington, also known as Fu. Everybody calls me Fu. I've known Makeba, she's an HBCU friend. She's FAMU and I'm an Aggie and I met her through my Aggie friends right after undergrad in Atlanta. I am going on a spiritual path where I am rebuilding myself. Makeba was around to watch my early rise in career. I used to work in media, producer, editor, writer, poet but I was trapped in a lot of misery and a lot of hurt and a lot of pain, and I've had a complete breakdown. I had 10 years of darkness as well and now I'm rebuilding my life. I work with intellectually disabled men. I am a case worker, care manager, unlicensed nurse. I love these guys. They help me recover. I'm also trying to decide am I gonna go to a nurse pract. route? Am I going back in the media? I don't know. I'm opening myself up to the universe and I'm letting it decide. There's a lot of spiritual things that are happening for me right now in downloads. Honestly, I don't even know what reiki is because I always heard people who aren't on this call talking about reiki. You know what I mean by that? When I was experiencing yoga. It was hard to learn yoga from white people, let's just say that. And so I couldn't do reiki learning from white people. I'm like, yoga, this is not your culture. Why are you telling me this?
Dr. Makeba:Hold on, hold on. We don't wanna exclude any people. We don't wanna exclude white people. There, there is a thing, and I hear this a lot from people of color talking about going to energy healers, reiki practitioners, any kind of healer. It's not a black and white thing. It's really an energetic thing because you can sense energy when you walk into the room, when you meet a person, when you feel, and you know who's got the good energy that you wanna work with and who doesn't. So we wanna try to focus on the energy. So, I understand culturally that Americans teaching yoga is not the tradition. Right? We didn't create it. So it's harder to take it.
Tommy-Furqan:It's hard when trying to go into those spaces, cuz that's the thing is also recovering from going into a traumatic space where it wasn't this way. And trying to get from that trauma where I can open myself up again to hear everybody. Because sometimes when we go into those spaces, we experience trauma based on our identity and our cultural heritage and that's more what I'm talking about. You know, it's a trust factor. It's an ease and trust.
Dr. Makeba:Right, right. I'd like each of you to share a moment when you didn't listen to your gut, tell us a little bit about that, what happened and what'd you learned from it. My example is with my marriage. I won't go into too many details, but I'll say simply that I kind of had a feeling going in that I probably shouldn't do it. I was young, not that young. I was approaching 30, which is a pivotal point in time for a young lady because you're thinking your biological clock is ticking. You're willing to kind of compromise a little bit on what you're looking for. And when I met my ex-husband I needed a companion, a relationship I had just gotten out of a relationship that was everything to me. It was extreme love and affection and all that stuff and we broke up. What I was looking for was a more mature love I thought. When we were dating, he never declared me as his girlfriend, which I thought was weird and didn't feel right? And then I got pregnant and then we got engaged and we got married. During that whole period I was hearing things and feeling things in my gut like, this isn't right. Maybe you shouldn't do this or don't do it. And I was in my head like, who's saying this? Is it me the doubter? Or is it truly my angels trying to protect me from something that could harm me in the long run? It took me 18 years. 19 years, really. If you count the time that we were dating to truly figure out that I should have listened to that voice because I was right and nothing changed. It was a consistent kind of not quite good feeling for that whole time. So I've learned to listen. It took me a long time, but I learned to listen and to trust. I would like to hear what you all have to say.
Tommy-Furqan:So mine, it's very recent and I'm still going through it. Now, I don't know if it were me not listening to my inner voice or if it were just a warning. It's changing day by day. I'm a avid scooter and biker in New York. I love riding scooter. I may be about to do some things on social media with doing that. I ride a scooter, like a snowboarder. I'm crazy. I do a lot of things in Manhattan. It's fun. So I'm leaving work the other morning. I work overnight, 14 hours. I just want to get to the subway, and go home to go to sleep. And that is all I was focused on. So I pulled out of the driveway, did a crazy u-turn, like a snowboarder, and I slipped and fell on the leaves after a fresh rain on top of oil. And the way I was turning was really tight. So the scooter went like this and slammed me into the ground. And when I hit the ground, I knocked out my tooth because my face took all the impact So I have one tooth and my front mouth. Now I'm toothless. What wound up happening is a few days before that, I busted that move a few times. I almost fell twice doing that move of the prior week. I also noticed all the leaves on the ground like a week before. I'm part of this Reddit group. Everyone's talking about how much the leaves are on the ground, how many leaves there, and how scared everyone is. I didn't listen. I'm still doing that move. As a matter of fact, I almost like really wiped out in front of my own house with kids on the playground and I still, and I recovered. But I just wanted to get home and I wanted to go. And a little backstory I have always had dental issues. I've always had spacing and it's always been my albatross. I never did on camera things because I was scared about my teeth. Kids used to call me the Gap Band and say, you dropped the bomb on me when I was a little kid. I had trauma years over years, and people kept joking me about it. Then after I had my breakdown, they didn't have insurance anymore. I went to a dentist and she snatched both my teeth out when a porcelain fell out. So everything shifted. So long story short, I've been avoiding this forever. My dental issues are the last thing I wanted to deal with right now. I had a plan. It was my feet, my stomach, my teeth. I'm on my feet we're done. I wasn't ready for this yet. What I'm thinking now is at first, I wasn't listening to my intuition, but perhaps this was just my spirit and my ancestors warning me that you're about to have to deal with something that you haven't wanted to deal with your whole life. You're about to have to deal with something that has held you back from day one. This was bigger than race. This was bigger than my gender. This is bigger than anything. This stopped me all my potential. I mean, when I worked in media, I could have easily been in front of the camera. People told me to do it. I worked in radio. I have a radio voice. I wanted to be in front of the camera, but I let my own fear around my dental issues stop me and then I let my fear of the financial cost stopped me because that was the other fear. But the other morning, when I saw my tooth on the pavement, I sat there and, and I started to unravel, I knew instantly that I gotta deal with this right now. Because there was no other option. And the spiritual world had me in the right place because I didn't wipe out at home because I would've ran in my house, closed my curtains, text my job, called off, text more people, canceled, and I may have been going back into my maladaptive behavior because that was my primary emotional trigger. So God had me at work with one of my temps who I just had an argument with. I literally just went in on this woman and this person had to show me kindness. She saw me at my weakest, most vulnerable emotional point. I had to get it together in 90 seconds, cuz the next thing I did was pull out my laptop and look for an emergency dental ER. So now I'm getting an implant in two weeks. I don't know how the money's I'm gonna do the money. I don't know. I don't care. I'm trusting in the universe it's gonna. And things have been going well for me. I'm trusting.
Dr. Makeba:And the other piece is that you are on camera with a missing tooth. Right. That's why
Tommy-Furqan:I did it. That's why I'm here. You pressed me for this Look, we spoke about this and then you asked me to do it this week. You are you serious right now I have other zoom commitments and the other zoom commitments have been done just like that. You actually got me on here right now, so, and I spoke about this too cuz I used this as an opportunity to work through and elevate and narrate my trauma. Cause the more I narrate this trauma, the better, the more it's healing and spiritually. I think it was a warning because I'm free. Oh my God. I'm free. This thing that I've been scared of. I was in the dentist. Yeah, I'm in there now. Might as well deal with everything. And now this is how I can be on the camera now because I got slammed to the ground and sometimes the ancestors gotta slap me. You can kinda see I'm that guy. I feel it like it was a warning because it was like they're warning me that you better get your mind right. You told me to rest up two weekends ago, so I don't know what's coming. This is just part of the journey.
Dr. Makeba:I love this. I love this because when we spoke earlier this week, the conversation was different. Right. It's evolving. Very different. It evolves. And so we get these messages from God, from the spirits, from our ancestors, and we don't always know what they mean, but we have to understand that things happen for a reason. And one of the reasons I'm not mad at my ex-husband is because I know that marriage happened for a reason. There was a lesson to be had, like I should have listened to my gut and had I known what I know now, I wouldn't have gotten to that situation, but I know that I got in that marriage because I need to be able to teach people not to do that, to listen to their guts. You know what I mean? So, alright. We're gonna move on to our next guest.
Tiffany:I'll go next. I was single for a year. I didn't want to date or anything, and then my best friend passed. I was going through a lot. I met this gentleman and while we were talking my intuition kept saying, Don't do it. Don't pursue him. But then in my mind, I'm like, well, he's cutes I was just putting things on paper. Sometimes I look at it like is it my intuition or is it fear? Because I was not in a relationship for a year and then the relationship before was like three years and I'm like, okay, am I just fearing going into relationships. So I kind of chopped it up, oh, just fear. I'm gonna prove to the world that I'm not scared. Fast forward, the relationship was a lot. A lot of stress. I had to put some color in my hair cause ended up getting gray hair, you, show that gray girl
Dr. Makeba:show that gray.
Tiffany:I would say before I started dating him, I didn't have much gray, but then after it, I was just, it was a lot of gray up there. It was a lot of stress. It led to me to start drinking. So I did a lot of self soothing. Mm. And my gut, my intuition just kept saying, you need to leave I mean, it wasn't like abusive or anything like that, but it's just like, we just didn't clash. So fast forward. Now mind you, I'm 40 and never been married. So this year I found out he went to my parents and asked for my hand and marriage. So I'm like, I'm just so excited. But then my intuitions like, Nope, don't do it. I'm like, no. Well, maybe I'm just afraid because I've never been married before. Yeah, yeah. So I'm just, I just kept, I mean, it was so strong. They like, don't do it. Don't do it. I'm like, no. I just kick it off as fear, you know, I'm just, I'm just a little afraid. It just, it's what it, I've never been married so I can understand. I could tell that my spirit team really didn't want me to marry him because we had a dog together, and the dog and I, both got attacked by a pit bull while I was walking him. He was six weeks old. During that time he wasn't there for me and everything just went downhill. So looking back now I'm glad that they intervened because I feel like they're like there's something bigger and better out there and we don't want you there. But then I looked at'em like, okay, I should've listened to my gut is it wasn't fear, it was my inner voice telling me not to move forward. I'm not upset about not listening to it because it led me into my spiritual journey. It led me into establishing new friendships and just be able to learn more about me and, and my reason for being here. I'm not knocking it, but if I would've listened to my gut, what would that journey look like? Or what would that look like if I wouldn't?
Dr. Makeba:Yeah, it just affirms the power of the gut and the intuition and the connection with the spirit world. Because they do really try to connect with us and we have to try to listen a little bit more, a little bit closer and have conversations with the spirits and be like, what is the problem?
Tiffany:Oh, now me and my spirit team talk every day. It's even to the point where I remember another thing and I'll be done. So I bought another Amazonite bracelet cause the other one broke. And then my intuition was telling me, give it to your sister. I was like, oh, it's so pretty. Give it to your sister. So I was like, well, lemme just hold on for another day. Well, one thing I've learned is that whenever I don't follow it, I always stub my right toe. So then, I looked it up and I prayed, and then is like, you need to listen. So once I gave it to her, I didn't have anymore issues. You know, so I'm learning to trust. Also the whole thing with my relationship, I would stub my toe all the time. And I remember there was this lady, she did reiki and I think she was a claireaudience, she said every physical symptom that you have, because I also tore my acl, she said it has a connection to the spirit world. So if you stub your right toe, it's a reason for that. I remember when I tore my acl, it was a reason why I did it. Because I wasn't listening, wasn't moving forward to the reason why I needed to be here. It was the spirit world telling me, I'm actually blocking myself for moving forward. So, make a long story short, I'm now like, okay, I'm, I'm listening. I, I hear you. What, what do you need? Me, you know, because I don't wanna keep bruising my toes and stuff.
Dr. Makeba:So I hear you listening is very important. And I do think that that's a very good segue into Khadijah's story.
Kadijah:Well, I was gonna say two kids later, I didn't follow my intuition, but I think as women, like you said, Tiffany we have fear due to our previous experiences. So a lot of times when it comes to our intuition, we have doubt because we don't know if it's our conscious or if it's reservation. I listen to my intuition when it comes to things like my career and other things, but when it comes to relationships, I don't listen. I'm currently dating someone. I keep hearing full of shit. He seems like a good guy. We have fun. We've only been out on two dates, but you know how someone wants to promise you the world so quick. He's already talking marriage and all types of things.
Dr. Makeba:After two dates?
Kadijah:Yes. And you know me, I'm like, pump the breaks. Listen I've been single long time, but I just listen. I key, key and he asked me, do you think I'm a jester Because I keep laughing because I don't know how to react. That's my defense mechanism. I don't know if it's me because all my friends are in relationships and I feel like I give guys a hard way to go. Yeah. It's not that I have a list or anything, but I just don't feel like wasting my time. The older you get, you know what you want, you know, what you looking for. So I'm still dating him, but I, I don't know. I, my intuition is telling me, keep it moving.
Dr. Makeba:You know what I think, I think you should keep it moving. I think you should listen,
Kadijah:He's a nice guy, but you know one thing that I don't like. You know how sometimes somebody will say, oh, I'm gonna call you back. Or they say, oh, I'm gonna meet you when they don't follow through and then they say, oh, I thought you was gonna call me. It seems like he puts a lot of blame onto me when he doesn't do something.
Dr. Makeba:Sounds like the beginning of the gas lighting. Cut him.
Kadijah:He doesn't call me back and he's like, why you didn't call me back?
Dr. Makeba:That's the mind games.
Kadijah:It's like little things and I'm like, it's just a small period of time. We met at the Giants bar. I live in Maryland. And he's from Jersey. He's down here for a job assignment. Yes. And we actually met at the bar. He wants to count that as a mini date. I'm like, sir? The little voice, it's like girl, go ahead and enjoy some food. Enjoy these key, key moments. Get out, you know? And the other side of me is like, just stay home and watch some Netflix because you know, this man is full of shit. I mean,
Dr. Makeba:kadijah, we've talked about this too. You had to stop and we all have to stop beating ourselves up, second guessing ourselves, and letting ourselves sabotage ourselves. You are not too analytical. You are not too, no critical. You are just the way you need to be to get through this path that God has put you on. So trust that. Trust that. Now Camron, you are developing relationships. You're learning to trust your inner voice and all of that, and our first Reiki session was all about trusting what you hear, trusting your gut and so I just wanna hear from you, where you are in that journey? How are you feeling?
Camron:I'm doing great now actually. I always would hear the word intuition and I'm a big music person. I used to hear that song by Jamie Fox, Intuition, and I never knew what it meant So I wanna start off about two years ago. I was hanging out with the wrong people. I would go around them every single day and I would feel my gut hurting and like my gut feeling funny. I was like, do I have to use the restroom? Maybe I gotta use the restroom. But I didn't have to use the restroom. Even if I did use the restroom after I used the restroom, I was still my gut hurting. I'd get around them and I wouldn't feel comfortable. I wouldn't feel right. I did that every day for about five months straight. Smoking weed every day, spending I was just doing everything I wasn't supposed to be doing. And my parents knew and they told me, you're gonna end up somewhere you don't wanna be. They both told me. So one day, I was supposed to be at work. I took the day off. This was right when the Coronavirus first started. My gut was hurting, and some boys who said they were my friend said they had a car. I had somebody I knew who had a license, a grownup, take me over to where they were and he had took me to the place that they were, and they had a car. Now the person who was driving, I didn't know like that. I didn't know how old he was. He was 14 years old. I was 18. Everybody in the car was younger than me. Turns out they stole the car. They drove me to a place where I didn't know where I was at, but they knew where they was at. They all ran and all of them went to juvenile and I went to county jail for 38 days.
Dr. Makeba:Oh my goodness.
Camron:So I'm sitting in jail, I'm thinking like, dang, I should listen to my parents. I'm just thinking about everything. And that's the first time I actually built my relationship with God cause he came at the right time. My intuition was telling me, these people didn't do nothing for you when you got in here. They didn't contact you. They didn't put no money on your books. They didn't do anything for you. So when you get out here, stop hanging around them. So young, me as a young person, stayed hanging around them, but I ended up better in my life and going to college. So it kept me away from them for a while. Now, within that time period, I got with this girl. I knew she was a dramafied person, but I was scared of being alone because I was alone for a long time. I was scared of being alone due to trauma, so with this girl my intuition told me she was cheating. It led me to the person she was cheating with through my dreams. I had never seen a dude. And it even told me that they was gonna have a baby. I have an apartment at the time and I come out the room and I see the dude. I'm like, hold up this, this can't be real. I walked in the room and boom, I walked in on them. Nothing really bad happened after that. I just had to stop hanging around them cuz they weren't good for me. All of them have my spirit telling me that they have very dark souls. I stopped hanging around them. All of them started acting very strange and I don't have any contact with them to this day. I should have trust my intuition. Even then I did something I shouldn't have done with the girl who cheated on me. My spirit told me that I need to contact her. I contacted her and turns out she had something she was dealing with that she couldn't let go of, so we broke that attachment
Dr. Makeba:Yeah. And you did say she was pregnant, right?
Camron:Yes. She is pregnant. So your whole dream came true. She's six months pregnant and she asked me to be the stepfather. I'm not that guy.
Tommy-Furqan:It will never, could never be yes. I don't even know why you asking.
Dr. Makeba:The beautiful part here is that, that Camron is learning how to to truly hear and see and feel and act on the messages that he's getting from his spirit guides, God, the ancestors, et cetera, because he's always had these gifts. It just wasn't. Fully clear what he should do with that information. It's a thing that's developing and I love that you mentioned that you didn't know what intuition meant. So the language, we have to be very clear with people, especially our children as they're growing up, if something doesn't feel right or sit well in your stomach, right. That's intuition Like, if you go around this adult and this adult makes you feel queasy, tell mommy. Right. Okay. Right. Tell mommy, tell daddy or whatever, and we will make sure that you don't have to be with that person anymore If you don't feel right around them. And we need to talk to our children about their dreams. We need to talk with our children, about their imaginary friends. These imaginary friends they are spirits and because the children are so close to the creator, they haven't had a chance to be tainted and blinded by all this human stuff, they're very connected. That's why young people have these connections. We should not deter them from having those relationships. We should have them explore them.
Tommy-Furqan:Let me just add, because I work with the intellectually disabled, they are very tied in as well. One of my clients, she has a ghost. His name is George. He looks at her at night. He scares her. He's always looking at her with the demon eyes. One of the things I tell Helen is just tell George I have no time for you, because George scared her. So, that may be part of my spiritual power. I work with Helen a lot and since I've been working with Helen and I basically tell her, tell George to f off, she gets up and she's happy in the morning.
Dr. Makeba:I love y'all. I feel like I learned so much when I talk to you, and I hope that our listeners are learning as well. I want them to know that they can reach out to us because we are here to help to share. We are all one and we're better together. Thank you for joining the conversation. You can take action by embracing the power of your intuition and actively listening to your inner voice. Take time to truly reflect on past experiences and learn from those moments when you ignored your gut feeling. Practice trusting your intuition in everyday life. This will help to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and alignment with your true path. Let us learn, grow and inspire one another on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and healing. Love and light y'all! Catch you on the next episode.